Advanced Summer School in Spoken Sanskrit

September9th to 27th 2024

In the course, participants will train in how to converse in Sanskrit on topics of daily life with the help of classical and modern vocabulary and advanced-level grammar. Special attention will be given to topics such as the use of dual forms, passive constructions, prepositions and verbs with specific cases (vibhaktis) and so on. Participants are kept engaged throughout the course with an active approach: in addition to conversation, exercises include recitation and memorization of grammar-related subhāṣitas as well as composition and narration of stories in Sanskrit. The course is designed to not only enhance participants' level of grammatical knowledge but also give them confidence in the active use of the language, both orally and in writing.

Organized by:

Spracheninstitut an der Universität Leipzig e.V.
Ritterstr. 12
D-04109 LeipzigGermany,
Tel.: +49(0)341-9730281


Leipzig University
Institute of ISouth and Central Asian Studies
Schillerstr. 6
D-04109 Leipzig



S_Das_klein Advanced Sanskrit Summer School - Advanced Summer School in Spoken Sanskrit - Spracheninstitut Universität Leipzig

Dr Sadananda Das is widely known as an excellent teacher of Sanskrit language in general and of spoken Sanskrit in particular. In addition to twenty-seven beginners' summer schools — in Heidelberg, Canberra, Lausanne, Leipzig, Tübingen, Bern and London — Dr Das has taught five advanced summer schools in Florence, Varanasi, Barcelona and Goa. Both levels have consistently attracted a diverse body of motivated students and scholars from across the globe throughout the years. At the request of numerous participants from previous sessions, another advanced course is being organized this year at Leipzig University.

Prerequisites: Knowledge of English and basic knowledge of Sanskrit (at least 4 semesters) as well as the ability to read Devanāgarī script. The participant must also have attended a beginners' course of spoken Sanskrit or otherwise already have the ability to converse in simple Sanskrit.

Timetable: Classes from 10:00 to 16:15 on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 10:00 to 12:30 on Wednesday and Saturday.

Application: Please download the application form below. Applications can start now.

Number of participants limited to 15. 

Deadline: 30th June 2024.

Course fee: 400,- EUR + 30,- EUR for the test materials. This includes 109 units  (45 minutes each) of instruction and refreshments during the break.

The course fee must be paid in full by 17st of July 2024, by bank transfer to the following account:

  • Bank: DKB
  • IBAN: DE97 1203 0000 1005 3728 32
  • BIC: BYLADEM1001

Food and Drink: upon request, you can get a student restaurant card for the central canteen 'Mensa am Park'. The card is free of charge. The price category on the menue is the one given in the middle:


  • After you have applied for the course, the instructor, Dr. Sadananda Das, will inform you whether you are admitted.
  • You transfer the course fee and the fee for the materials to our account.
  • Please note that your registration is only valid if we have received your payment by 17th July 2024.
  • You will be informed whether the course will take place. We will only consider participants who have paid the course fee by 17th July 2024.
  • Should we have to cancel the course for lack of participants, we will refund the course fee.
  • Please note: All bank fees for transactions from outside of Europe must be paid by the participants.

Budget Accomodation Options in Leipzig

Please see the list of accomodations as a pdf file at the end of this page.

m_fld15_schillerstrae_2 Advanced Sanskrit Summer School - Advanced Summer School in Spoken Sanskrit - Spracheninstitut Universität Leipzig
© Foto: Christian Hüller
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